Saturday, 27 October 2012

My Family

In the second week at school I introduced everyone to my family, and they in turn, told me about theirs, the name of their parents, brothers and/or sisters, what their families liked / did not like, and where the worked / what they did.
Here is my family:

My dad is Michael and he is a Maths Teacher:

My mum is Celia and she is a Nurse.

My sister is Josephine and she works in an office in London:

Monday, 8 October 2012


Hi! My name is Emily-Rose and I am 23 years old. 
I am a language and cultural assistant at Maestra Isabel Álvarez a public school in Sevilla. 
I am from New Zealand.
This is a place where I will write about the things we do at school and how we practice our English.
Until next time!