Saturday, 27 October 2012

My Family

In the second week at school I introduced everyone to my family, and they in turn, told me about theirs, the name of their parents, brothers and/or sisters, what their families liked / did not like, and where the worked / what they did.
Here is my family:

My dad is Michael and he is a Maths Teacher:

My mum is Celia and she is a Nurse.

My sister is Josephine and she works in an office in London:


  1. Hi Emily I am Renee Midence from 5th gradeB

  2. Your house is very nice and your blog too. See you at school.

  3. Hello Blanca! I am happy you can look at the blog. Thankyou for your comment! Listen to the songs! BYE :)

  4. Hello Emily the song is very cool!BAY XD.

  5. Hi Emily i like your blog please publishes more things!! :)

  6. Yay I will - thanks for the comments! :)
