In addition to cards, friends and couples may exchange presents such as a box of chocolates, a bouquet of roses or flowers, teddy bears, balloons or special items such as perfume or jewelry.
4B and 4C learned that nearly 480 million cards are sent around the world every year.
A little bit of history:
A man named Valentinus was martyred on February 14 late in the third century A.D.
A priest as part of the Roman Church it was during a time when marriage was illegal. This was because Romans believed that unmarried soldiers fought better than married ones. However, as a rebel St. Valentinus married them in secret against the emperor Claudius II law.
He eventually went to prison and was killed because of his breaking the law because of what he believed in: the importance of Christian marriage. From prison right before his death he wrote a letter to a girl and signed it "From your Valentine"
Today cards messages include:
"Be my Valentine"
XOXO Happy Valentine's Day
I love you or I like you for being such a great...
and poems such as the famous
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sugar is Sweet
and so are You
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