Thursday, 23 February 2017

Happy Andalusia Day: Geography and Landscapes!

Hello friends! With Andalusia Day coming up on Tuesday, February 28th, I thought we would post a little bit about Andalusia and why this is such an important holiday for us here in Sevilla! This post is specifically about the geography and landscapes of our region.

Andalusia is the biggest region in Spain, located in the south, and is made up of 8 different provinces: Huelva, Sevilla, Cádiz, Málaga, Córdoba, Jaén, Granada, and Almería. I have been to all of these besides Almería and Jaén, and I am determined to do plenty exploring in all of these provinces before the end of the year! The capital of the region of Andalusia is, of course, Sevilla! The two bodies of water that surround our beautiful region are the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Fun fact: The Flag of Andalusia is green and white and was decided upon in Ronda in 1918. These colors have become the colors representing Andalusian pride, and they represent hope and peace according to the anthem:

La bandera blanca y verde
vuelve tras siglos de guerra  
a sembrar paz y esperanza
bajo el sol de nuestra tierra.
    The white and green flag
    comes back after centuries of war
    to sow peace and hope
    under our land's Sun.

Our region has some incredible landscapes including beaches, mountain ranges, colorful countrysides and lovely old villages. Each province is bursting with its own unique beauty, culture, and traditions. Here are some photos from each province that serve as great examples for why we love Andalusia!!:

The beautiful beaches of Huelva.

Torre de Oro on the Guadalquivir River in Sevilla.

The historic coastline in Cádiz.

The stunning Ronda Bridge in the province of  Málaga.

The famous patios with white walls and colorful plant pots in Córdoba.

Breathtaking views in Jaén.

The famous Alhambra in Granada with a backdrop of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

 Typical white villages like this one built into the side of a hill in Almería.

It´s no wonder we love Andalusia so much! We have a lot to celebrate on Andalusia Day. From the beautiful landscapes to the fascinating cultural traditions, there is so much that makes Andalusia special and unique. What else do you think it is important that people know about our wonderful region? What would you like to learn more about? Let me know, as I plan to make a separate post on the cultural side of Andalusia soon! Happy Andalusia Day everyone!


  1. It's soooo nice ur post Brandy. Thanks a lot for showing our community to the rest of the world :)

  2. I love this. Thank you. The information is so helpful and the pics are amazing. Happy Andalusia Day! <3 Mom
